Showing posts with label Toyota Rav4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toyota Rav4. Show all posts


Toyota Rav4 SXA10G Radiator Fan Rotate At IG ON

1994 Toyota Rav4 SXA10G Engine Model 3S-FE

Radiator fan and condenser fan rotated at IG switch on.

Faulty Coolant temperature sensor.

At first I looked into wiring diagram.
Then I judged that coolant temperature sensor or pressure switch had had problem.
The pressure switch was properly.
I checked the coolant temperature sensor .
It was faulty. Then I changed new coolant temperature sensor.


Toyota Rav4 SXA11 Rough Idling

1995 Toyota Rav4 SXA11 Engine model 3S

The engine did not run smoothly at an idle.

Replaced ISC valve.
The contents of the maintenance
conected the dianogstic machine and tested the actuator
but it didn't work properly.
I replaced the new ISC valve.